Here at Utah State, there are numerous foods that are unique to our culture. After experiencing the numerous available foods, I have made my decisions on which ones are the tastiest in town. One of these tasty treats are Scottydogs. A Scottydog is a hot dog garnished with cream sauce, peppers, and many other condiments. Home grown in Cache Valley, the raspberry come in at second as the most delectable food up for grabs here in Logan. These raspberries are as fresh as any I have ever had. But above all other foods, one reigns supreme. Aggie Ice cream. Proclaimed as God's gift to the Cache Valley, it

truly delivers an experience that is unforgettable. To my knowledge, only one place sells this ice cream, and it happens to be on the Utah State University campus. Here is a picture of the menu that can be found when your walk through the doors. If you ever happen to travel through Logan on your way to some destination, I would highly recommend visiting. It may just change your life. Get the Aggie Blue Mint flavor to achieve the best experience possible.